Why are there medicines that need a prescription?

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Many times we go to the pharmacy to ask for a medication and the pharmacist tells us that it can not be dispensed because it is a medicine that needs a prescription. Why do some medicines sell them to us and others need the doctor’s request?

Well, the use of medicines that need a prescription but that pharmacists dispense without it can cause serious health problems. It is very important to control the proper dispensation to avoid self-medication problems and ensure the proper use of medications .

To know if a medication needs a prescription, we must fix it on the package. A whole circle or divided in half must appear. It is advisable to pay attention to not over-the-counter antibiotics, nervous system medications, contraceptives and diuretics.

Antibiotics produce resistance due to their abusive use and others can trigger very serious problems and even death without proper management control.

On the other hand, as we well know, there are medicines that do not need a prescription, either because of their composition or administration route.

They are drugs that usually produce fewer health problems, although it is always advisable to ask the pharmacist for advice on its use to avoid side effects and contraindications. The professional has the duty to provide good pharmaceutical care to the patient.

A medical prescription


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