Methods to predetermine the sex of the baby

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Knowing the sex of the baby generates many expectations. Many parents will say that they do not care about the sex of their child, but the truth is that they always have some preference or sympathy. With an ultrasound it is possible to know the sex of the baby approximately by the 20th week. The obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to tell you with certainty. (although there can always be a margin of error) if the baby on the way has a penis or vagina.But parents do not always want to wait until week 20 to find out. Many mothers and fathers want to know before. Deciding the sex of the baby is possible, according to the scientific methods that we explain to you next.

What does genetics say about the baby’s sex?

The sex of the baby is determined by the sperm. Some sperm contain the X chromosome and others the Y chromosome. The egg is X chromosome, if it fuses with a sperm X, you will conceive a beautiful baby. If it joins with a Y chromosome, it will be a prince who comes into your life,In the race to reach the egg, the sperm and are faster than the X. They are the first to arrive and fecundarán a male if the egg is waiting. But if the woman has not ovulated, they die early and do not achieve fusion.In contrast, sperm X are slower, lose the race with the Y to reach the egg. But as they are more resistant, if the woman has not ovulated the X sperm can resist until the ovum is expelled  to fertilize it.

Can I schedule the sex of the baby?

If a woman wants to program the sex of the baby, it would be enough to know her menstrual cycle well.  This will match the day of your ovulation with sexual relations. That is what doctors Landrum Shettles and David Rorvik, in his book ” How to choose the sex of your baby”.If you want to have a child you should have sex on the day of ovulation, or 12 hours before. On the day of ovulation, the environment of the vagina and cervix is ​​more favorable for the arrival of the rapid Y sperm.If you want to have a baby, you should make love one or two days before ovulation. The fragile Y-sperm die and the resistant X-sperm reach the fallopian tubes and await the arrival of the ovum.the sex of the baby not only depends on the X or Y load of the sperm

Is only the sperm determinant?

For the biochemistry Adriana Baretta, the sex of the baby not only depends on the X or Y load of the sperm. The alkalinity or acidity of the cervical mucus is also an important factor. In his book ” Boy or girl? 

 Now you can choose”,  the Argentine researcher points out that the incorporation of certain minerals in a woman’s diet determines the sex of her offspring.

A diet that promotes a more crystalline and watery cervical mucus on fertile days will favor a Y sperm. On the other hand, a more acidic cervical mucus allows the X sperm to have probabilities of fertilizing the ovule.

To have a baby, the woman should include in her diet foods rich in sodium and potassium  to make cervical mucus more alkaline. Those who want to have a baby should achieve a more acid pH, which is why they should incorporate calcium and magnesium in their diet.

Are these methods reliable?

None of the described methods can guarantee a 100% effectiveness to predict the sex of the baby. Even when the scientists who promote them say that the odds are high.The method of Shettles and Rorvik depends on determining the day of ovulation and does not take into account the PH of the cervical mucus. Unless you have a regular menstrual cycle, knowing the exact day of ovulation has its inaccuracies.Likewise, you must program sexual relations to a point where you can subtract spontaneity from the encounter. This can negatively affect your partner’s ejaculatory capacity. We already know that without sperm there is no fertilization.Although the Baretta method guarantees an 87-98% chance of having a baby with the sex you want, it does not take into account aspects external to the diet. The consumption of medications, the existence of pathologies or the influence of environmental factors can also alter the pH of the cervical mode.Babys on the pool taking sun

In summary

It is important not to exaggerate expectations regarding the probabilities of predeterminating the sex of your baby. The methods we have described made an exhaustive study of the multiple variables involved in the miracle of conceiving a life. But their approaches have margins of error.Be child or girl, you can be sure that baby will come to your life to transform it completely. The day I am in your arms will be the happiest day of your life. Whether it is dressed in pink or blue.


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