The appearance of varicose veins is a problem that increasingly affects more people and that, apart from the aesthetic problem, can lead to the appearance of serious complications. For that reason we are going to you to approach a little more to the subject and to give you some indications to prevent the varices.
What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are dilated veins that usually appear in the lower extremities as a result of a venous insufficiency that prevents the correct return of blood from the veins to the heart. The cause is a malfunction of the venous valves, whose function is to promote the return of blood to the heart, and by not closing properly. They cause blood to accumulate in the lower veins dilating them.Varicose veins appear initially as small spider veins that are blue and purple and do not usually cause discomfort. These spider veins do not always have to evolve to grade II varicose veins. But if they do they begin to be symptomatic, producing heaviness in the legs, fatigue, cramps, itching and edema. In this phase the symptoms may improve if the advice given below is applied. In any case when the varicose veins begin to present symptomatology they should be treated, if not, the tendency of the problem is to become chronic and, sooner or later, stage III will be reached.Stage III veins are those that produce generalized edema of the lower extremities and changes in skin color. When ulcerations, haemorrhages or thrombophlebitis occur, stage IV will have been reached.
Risk factor’s
The main causes are the sedentary life we do, the lack of exercise and a genetic component that seems to be 25%. Other factors that increase the chances of its appearance are: overweight, high blood pressure, standing for a long time without walking, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, exposure to heat, use of oral contraceptives, pregnancy. The latter tend to improve within a few months of giving birth without complications, but we must be careful because they assume that we have a certain tendency to appear and will probably do so again in the future. Knowing all the above, we can list a series of measures that will prevent or delay their appearance.
How to prevent varicose veins
The main advice, which we have already discussed to prevent many other health problems. Is to lead a healthy life: exercise regularly, a balanced diet with few fats, control hypertension and avoid overweight and smoking. If we begin to notice the first symptoms we can delay their progress and avoid complications if:
- We remove clothes and shoes too tight from our wardrobe.
- We use compression stockings.
- We avoid being exposed to heat sources such as heaters or electric blankets.
- We walk daily.
- Perform massages on the legs and keep them elevated when we are at rest.
In any case, the main recommendation when we begin to notice the first signs is to consult with our doctor to tell us what are the different treatments (surgical, laser, sclerotherapy …) that exist and which is the best that fits our situation. Many of these techniques do not involve hospital admission and recovery is quick. So do not hesitate to go to a professional to avoid complications.