How to know if you are the toxic person

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We all have around us individuals who pay with us their bad mood. Negativity and can even become bitter the day or the years. Normally, this type of people is called ‘toxic’ and are usually pessimistic, question everything and are never satisfied.

People go through vulnerable moments in which we see the world black and that is what we end up transmitting. The situation becomes a serious problem when it becomes custom and, moreover, when it occurs in a relationship.

Now, what would happen if the harmful being, the one that is hindering the advance of the union. Is you and you are not  aware of it or refuse to accept it? To help you, we have prepared this article with which you will know if you are the toxic person and, if so, how to overcome it.

This type of person complains at every moment, criticizes everything, never agrees

How is a toxic person?

The toxic person creates conflicts often, which in the end generates anxiety and stress in others. The grumpy ones cause discomfort and conflicts, being harmful to our health and even psychic balance.

They are people who are somehow able to hook their neighbors in their dangerous networks. These individuals also have characteristics that are not observable in their behavior, but which we suffer directly. These are some of them:

  • They are people with a great and harmful inner malaise.
  • They are not comfortable with themselves, with the life they lead and project their own with the experiences of others to avoid their own.
  • They need others, their affection and approval to feel stable.
  • They have developed a dysfunctional and negative affective and relational pattern.

How do you identify if you are the culprit?

Usually, we see these attitudes when third parties create these disputes, but when it comes to ourselves, we tend to lengthen the situation of contention. Not taking responsibility for it, not facing the situation and continuing to deny the problem is more comfortable.

How do you know if you are toxic?

  • You are a negative person: You see the bad in everything, even in what is good.
  • You live criticizing: We all have the tendency to judge others, but there is a limit.
  • Most of the time you spend with your partner, you’re in a bad mood. As on the defensive.
  • Always arms discussions: With friends, your partner or your family. You often find a way to start a discussion.
  • You feel that you can not control everything and it’s like an addiction.
  • You like to watch everyone.
  • You manipulate and do anything (fight, get sick, whine and more) as long as your partner does not do what you want.
  • You do not know how to take responsibility: You never accept an error.
  • You blame your partner for everything.
  • You became obsessed with the negative aspects.
  • Constantly, you become the victim.

What can you do?

If you have noticed that the person is harmful to you, you are likely to think that this is how partner relationships work. In the same way, you may believe that love is a war of power, but it is not like that. A relationship is a contract and if it is violated, there will be consequences. That said, what to do?

  • Be honest with yourself and analyze if you have poisonous behaviors, attitudes and thoughts.
  • Analyze your interior in search of the true origin of these ways of acting or thinking.
  • Develop your self-esteem and learn to accept yourself as you are. With your virtues and defects.
  • Assimilate others and respect them.
  • Look for good qualities in yourself and in others.
  • Change is a process that takes time. Take it easy.
  • Sometimes, the help of a specialist may be necessary.
  • Making yourself the victim is the least appropriate role at that moment.
  • Although it is painful, it is also advisable that you consider leaving that relationship. Break before doing more damage by maintaining a link that is not based on equality, but on possession.

No toxic person falls well and no one is willing to endure

 this kind of situation, let alone a couple. Therefore, do your best to change your way of relating. Otherwise, you will harm your environment. You will only achieve that, with time, people move away and it is not exactly what you want, right?


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