
In this section you will find extensive information on the main diseases that human beings can suffer. Pathologies, disorders, affections of the respiratory system, circulatory system or the health of women … Each disease presents a series of symptoms that it is necessary to know, as well as the latest news about the best treatments and associated research, always at your disposal.

Amphetamine use disorders are very varied.

Disorders due to amphetamine use

Amphetamine use disorders are very varied. Some are manifested in the short term and others can have effects for life. They range from simple intoxication to permanent psychotic disorders. Amphetamine was...
Histrionic personality disorder

Histrionic personality disorder

The histrionic disorder of the personality has a prevalence of approximately 2-3% in the population. It's more common in women. Formerly it was called hysterical personality (of histeros, uterus). Currently...
What is the relationship between overweight and hypertension?

What is the relationship between overweight and hypertension?

Overweight brings with it a multitude of associated disorders. Some of them are related to the musculoskeletal or digestive systems. Others have to do with the...