What causes genital ulcers? What is your treatment?

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Genital ulcers can be a symptom of many skin diseases. But more often they are symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

In addition to STDs, there are also some other causes not related to sexually transmitted diseases  that may be responsible for the development of genital ulcers. Some of these are vulvovaginitis, contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis.

Skin cancer or cysts can cause ulcers in the genital area as well. However, these aspects of ulcers are explained in more detail throughout the article. Genital ulcers can be painful, itchy, or may not produce any symptoms .

What are STDs?

The sexually transmitted diseases affect all populations. However, it is young women who are especially at risk of developing serious long-term health complications as a result of untreated infections.

Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In general, are contracted through sexual contact. The organisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases can pass from one person to another through blood, semen, vaginal fluid or other bodily fluids.

Sometimes, these infections are transmitted in ways that are not sexual ; for example, from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth, by blood transfusions or when sharing needles.

It is possible to get sexually transmitted diseases from people who look very healthy and who may not even know they have the infection. On the other hand, we must bear in mind that STDs do not always have symptoms and that is why they are difficult to detect .

Symptoms of STDs and STIs

Infections and sexually transmitted diseases can present a variety of signs and symptoms, or not manifest them. For this reason, they can go unnoticed very easily, causing a complication or transmitting it to their partner.

Among the signs and symptoms that may appear and that may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted disease we can find:

  • Pain or burning when urinating.
  • Vaginal discharge with a bad smell or unusual smell.
  • Vaginal bleeding outside of normal.
  • Fever.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse

The signs and symptoms may appear within a few days of being exposed, or it may take years for the problems to appear. The fact that the symptoms appear before or after a certain time depends on each person.

Causes of genital ulcers

Genital ulcers in women appear as lumps and lesions around or inside the vagina . They are small bumps of flesh or red color in addition to blisters. In addition, these lesions can become crusty and increase in size. In men, genital ulcers appear on the penis, scrotum or urethra.

Some genital ulcers can cause burning, pain, discomfort during urination or during sexual intercourse. They can also cause pain in the pelvis. These are some STDs that can lead to genital ulcers:

  • Genital herpes : caused by the herpes simplex virus. Small, painful blisters appear filled with clear or straw colored liquid.
  • Genital warts : are meat-colored spots that are raised or flat and can look like the top of the vegetable cauliflower.
  • Chancroid : is a disease caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi and becomes an ulcer after a day since it appears, since at the beginning it appears as a protuberance on the genitals.
  • Syphilis : manifests as a small painless sore or ulcer.
  • Molluscum contagiosum.


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