Benefits of preparing compotes at home

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Compotes are an excellent way to introduce fruits into a baby’s diet.When we make the compotes at home, we have the option to choose the fruit.

 Discover in this post its benefits.

The compotes are ideal for babies after the third month. The benefits of preparing compotes at home are many. First, they are cheaper and, second, they are 100% natural. Depending on the type of fruit you choose to prepare the compotes, the benefits will vary .

The most common compotes are apple and pear, both contain vitamin A, C and E. Among the most important benefits of compotes is that they help the proper functioning of the digestive system of the baby and prevent constipation . Are not they a wonderful snack?

What is a compote?

It is similar to a fruit jam, but with much less sugar.

 Many specialists consider it a vegetable preserve . This preserve has its origin in France and Germany. In fact, the name compote is a variation of compote , whose translation from French to Spanish means: mixture.

The compote was created to ensure that fruit harvests, such as apples,were preserved for much longer. That is why the best known compote is apple, because it abounded in both countries. At present, compotes can be made from almost any fruit : pears, bananas, strawberries, banana, pineapple, among many others.

What are the benefits of preparing compotes at home?

The compotes are easy to digest , they are not heavy for the stomach and they give energy .

 Not only are recommended for the smallest of the house, they also provide great benefits to people suffering from the following conditions:

  • Indigestion
  • Sores in the mouth.
  • Acidity.
  • Difficulty swallowing food
  • People with diabetes (special compotes without sugars).

The only people who can not enjoy the benefits of preparing compotes at home are those who suffer from fructose intolerance.

How to prepare a homemade apple compote?

Generally, apples and pears are the first fruits that babies are fed.

 For them it is easier to digest these fruits than others like mango or watermelon. The homemade apple compote contains high levels of fiber and water , which is ideal for hydrating the little ones.

Also, the apple provides natural sugars that are easy to assimilate by the body of a baby . In addition, it contains vitamin C and the nutrients necessary for its development and growth. Equally, it contributes to the strengthening of the defenses of its organism.

If you want your baby to consume more vitamin C, you can also prepare compotes at home with kiwi or citrus fruits. But in this post, we will share a recipe for apple compote , which we show you below:


  • 1 apple.
  • 2 small spoons of water


  • Wash the apple very well.
  • Peel and cut it into boxes.
  • Place the apple squares in a blender.
  • Add the 2 small spoons of water.
  • Begin to beat until there is not a single piece of fruit left.

If you notice that the compote is too thick for your baby , you can add a little more water and mix it until it is more diluted.

The best of giving homemade compotes to babies

Homemade compotes contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and amino acids .

 This is ideal for the composition of the tissues that the baby will develop. And, to a lesser extent, they contain sodium and carbohydrate.

Also, they work well to help restore the appetite of the child , and even the mother , thanks to the large amount of vitamins they contain.Likewise, homemade compotes have anti-inflammatory properties , which help the baby to have a better digestion.

Therefore, it is one of the first foods that specialists recommend to give to babies after the period of only breastfeeding. This classic baby snack, besides being delicious, is very simple to prepare . But it is also tasty for adults, in whom it helps prevent diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

These are some of the benefits of preparing compotes at home for the little ones. In short, they are the best option to start introducing fruits into the diet of our children .

Now that you’ve read this article, dare to check the benefits of preparing homemade compotes. You will become an expert!


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