The best health tips for travel lovers

Taking into account certain health tips depending on our destination will be of great help to avoid mishaps and possible illnesses or intoxications.

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Today we would like to share with you the best health tips for travel lovers. Because, if you are passionate about traveling but you have never been completely cautious, or on some occasion you have fallen ill… Surely you will not have enjoyed those long-awaited vacations as much as you would have liked.

For these reasons, today we are going to give you some small keys so that you take them into account and avoid certain setbacks that may interfere with your trip. In this way you can enjoy it to the fullest with the certainty that nothing worrying is going to happen to you.

Health tips for travel lovers

Surely, as a good traveler, you have a diary in which to capture all your adventures that you always carry with you.

1. Vaccinations before traveling

It is our responsibility as travelers to inform ourselves about what type of vaccinations we should get before visiting certain countries. There are generally recommended vaccines regardless of the trip we make, some are:

  • Typhoid fever.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Triple viral.
  • Tetanus.

However, later there are other vaccines (such as yellow fever, hepatitis B or polio ) in which the characteristics of the trip must be taken into account. Going to the doctor and asking questions can help us avoid contracting a disease that can bring us many complications.

2. Cope with jet lag

Jet lag or jet lag refers to that physical exhaustion we feel when we travel to another place where there are big changes and imbalances in time zones. Some of the health tips for travel lovers in relation to this are:

  • Pills indicated for jet lag: Many are known by the name of “melatonin”, and help the body to rest and regulate itself to adapt to the time of the new place where we are. It is important that we consult with our doctor about taking this type of drug.
  • Mask: Essential for when we arrive at a place where our body asks us to rest, but it is not yet night there. The mask added to the melatonin pills are a very effective duo in these cases.

3. Special care depending on the destination

Depending on where we are going to travel, we need to take some special care to avoid contracting some pretty nasty diseases. Next, we are going to mention some countries and aspects that we should take into account:

  • Japan: Do not eat sushi in street stalls, because if it is in poor condition it may contain Anisakis and other parasites that will make us writhe in pain and have to go to the doctor immediately.
  • Costa Rica: A mosquito repellent, an itching reliever and antihistamines will be essential to protect us from diseases such as dengue or Zika, which are transmitted by these insects.
  • Vietnam: Whenever possible, raw products should be avoided. Its poor condition could cause diarrhea or other diseases. Also, in many communities drinking water has not yet arrived, so we have to be especially careful where we get it.

4. Protection and adequate clothing

The last of the health tips for travel lovers is to investigate the type of climate that will be in the place of destination. For example, if we go to Norway, wearing warm clothes will be essential to avoid colds.

In the event that we have chosen a hot country, we must not forget about sun protection. Of course, let’s make sure that the cream is not expired and that it offers us high protection. The recommendation is an FPS 50+.

In addition to sun cream, we should also take an aftersun to hydrate the skin after being exposed to the sun, even with protection. This will help us keep her healthy.

These are some of the best health tips for travel lovers that we hope will be of great help to you in the next adventure you embark on. We recommend that you take them into account, since not getting an essential vaccine or trying food in poor condition will mean that the trip is not as pleasant as we expected.

Have you ever followed any of these health tips for travelers? Do you know others that work for you? If so, we encourage you to share them with us so that, together, we can get as complete a list as possible.

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