The best tips to have a young and vital brain

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Having a young and vital brain allows us to enjoy a better memory and feel that we are more lucid. However, with the passage of years and age, the brain also sees its faculties depleted. Therefore, today we will discover some tips to keep you young as long as possible.

As we get older, more things are forgotten and we have greater difficulties to memorize. However, we can delay all this if we put into practice certain habits.

Exercise, key to neuroplasticity

The Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the brain to change and adapt to the environment. This is achieved thanks to neurons that can regenerate and create new connections.

Why can physical exercise help neuroplasticity? When we perform physical exercise our brain flow increases, as well as the volume of blood in the brain and the number of blood vessels.

This causes an increase in oxygen and glucose in the brain, that is, a greater contribution of nutrients that will help the cell growth processes. All this will allow an improvement of the cognitive processes, which are:

  • Attention
  • Perception
  • Memory

Exercise, key to neuroplasticity

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