Who would not like to have their buttocks the same as those of models , actresses and celebrities?Especially when summer is about to arrive we want to do everything possible to show some worthy sittings (and yes, a little envy).That is why in this article we offer you the best exercises to have perfect glutes .
Let’s train!
How to have a butt 10
Did you know that the glutes are the largest muscle in the body?
And for that reason it is necessary that they exercise.
Those who want to get perfect buttocks should train at least 3 times a week and at least 15 minutes each time .
If you follow a routine of one month and you feed yourself correctly you will have more than interesting results.
Some of the exercises indicated are:
It is “the exercise” par excellence to have buttocks 10. There are several types, but the best thing is that you start with the simplest ones.
- Standing up, spread your legs to a shoulder width and then bend your knees while lowering your bottom. Remember to keep your back straight.
- You can help maintain balance if you stretch the arms in front or the sides of the body.
- Do series of 10 repetitions. A week increases to 20 repetitions and a month you can add weights in your hands.
Horse kick
Another of the very good exercises that will help you strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs .
You must rest your hands and knees on the floor. Always keep your abdomen tight.
- Raise your right leg as if you were going to kick the ceiling. The sole of the foot should be parallel to the floor.
- Keep a few seconds and return to the starting position, but without resting the knee on the mat.
- Repeat 9 more times before changing legs.
- In the second week it increases to 20 repetitions per leg and at 30 days adds weight in the calves.
Another version of the back kick is to stand up and lean on the back of the chair or a table.
Lift one of the legs as straight as possible, keep a few seconds.
When lowering it contracts the buttocks. Alternate the elevation of each leg to complete 20 repetitions (after 30 and finally 40).
It is important to keep your back straight at all times and that the knee does not exceed the imaginary line of the toe.
The exercise is simple.
- Stand with your legs together step forward with your right foot and bend your knee while you descend the trunk . Hold for a few seconds and go back to the right.
- Then change to the other leg and so on until you complete 20 repetitions.
- For the second stage, make 40 (20 per leg) and in the third, add small dumbbells in each hand.
While this exercise is used mostly to have a defined abdomen, it is very good for strengthening the thighs and buttocks.
- Put yourself face up on the mat or floor.
- It supports the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands on the ground.
- Lift the pelvis as much as you can (as if you were trying to touch the ceiling). Hold the position and rest.
- Begin the series with 15 repetitions. Then increase to 25.
- By the third week you will be able to add a weight to your belly.
Side skating
Start standing, with your feet together.
- Bend down slightly, pushing your hips back and keeping your back as straight as possible. The firm abs .
- Open the right leg to the side (as much as you can) and then cross the left leg behind.
- Then open the left leg and cross behind the right.
- Once you have mastered the movement add a few small jumps each time you move. Repeat 20 times.
Jumping Jacks (jump with leg separation)
- Start standing, with your arms close to your body.
- Take a leap and open your legs at the same time that you carry your arms over your head (so that your palms touch).
- Return to the starting position and repeat 9 times.
You do not have to get too high, you can start by simply opening your legs so that your feet touch the ground.
The idea is that every time you do more repetitions and get more speed.
Side displacements
For this exercise you will need a little practice and balance but it is easy once you train it several times.
- Start standing with your legs together.
- Step to the side with the right foot, bend the hip back and bend the knee. Thus the left leg is well stretched.
- Go back to the starting position and do it on the other side.
Mountain climbers (climbers)
Imagine that you are climbing a mountain (but horizontally).
- Rest your palms on the floor and stretch your legs, as if you were doing push-ups.
- The exercise consists of movements similar to those of the climbers, but on the floor.
- Basically you have to bend the right knee so that it is close to the abdomen while the right foot moves upwards touching the floor.
- Go down and do the same with the left knee.
Heel lift
This exercise works the whole leg in general and in particular the glutes.
- You just have to stand up with your arms supported on the sides of your body and stand on your toes.
- Hold the posture for a few seconds and lower your heels.
- Repeat at least 20 times.
- To maintain balance you can hold yourself with the wall, a bar or a chair.
- The elevation of heels will help you to say goodbye to flaccidity.