4 miraculous tips to reduce the waist in a week

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Reducing the waist can be a complicated task for some people, as it can be a localized fat difficult to eliminate for genetic, metabolic, hormonal, etc.Although we can think that the solution is to put on a diet, there are very rebellious body parts that tend to resist, as is the case with the abdomen.We give you 4 very effective and surprising tips to reduce the waist in a week in a much simpler way than you think.

Why does it cost me to reduce the waist?

Having a wasp waist is the dream of many women to get a much more feminine silhouette, thus also enhancing the hip curves.

 However, the waist is a part of the body where you can accumulate fat more easily , even in spite of being thin.

Below we review what the possible causes may be , in addition to genetics.

  • Hormonal imbalances , for example, during menopause.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Digestive disorders
  • Slow metabolism
  • Sedentary .
  • Food rich in sugars and refined.
  • Abusive alcohol consumption.
  • Stress

1. Reduce dinners

Dinner is the food of the day that most fattening and its effects are noticed, especially in the waist.

 The good news is that it is also where we will first notice the benefits if we start to change the dynamics of dining a lot or too late.

Some people complain that they find it very difficult to dine earlybecause of the schedules they have. But they can find a way to snack in the middle of the afternoon so they can eat something very light at night.There are also people who regret that dinner is the time of family reunion, so it would be a sacrifice too big to change them.

In that case we recommend choosing light and easy to prepare recipes , as well as having the willpower to consume smaller portions. The previous snack will be, therefore, a great help to not arrive at dinner with anxiety.

The next morning we will notice a thinner waist , which will encourage us to continue doing it this way.

2. Control the portions

What we have said about the amounts for the dinner should be one of our goals at each meal.

 It’s not about going hungry, it’s about finding the exact point where we could eat more but, in reality, we no longer need it. In fact, if we manage to wait 5 or 10 minutes, that supposed hunger will disappear.

The difference is key, since in those moments it is usually when we eat what is least convenient for us, such as bread or sweets. A trick to get used to is to take a digestive infusion after the meal . It will also help us to chew each bite well, which will satisfy us more quickly.

3. Increase proteins

Perhaps you have already heard about high protein diets , since they promise miraculous results in a short time.

 In fact, they do work, but they are harmful to the liver and kidneys, in addition to producing a rebound effect after a while.

However, we must emphasize the importance of consuming protein, which can be animal or plant , to lose weight and, above all, reduce waist.Without forgetting, of course, the rest of food for a balanced diet.

Animal protein sources :

  • Meat.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Egg.
  • Dairy products.

Sources of vegetable protein :

  • Vegetables.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Whole grains
  • Avocado

The ideal would be to eat a portion of protein in each meal , combining the one of animal origin with that of vegetable origin, and accompany it with raw and cooked vegetables.

 In the last place we must leave the cereals and the flours, and try that they are always integral.

4. Choose fats well

Yes, fats are very important.

 And not to reduce them, as many dietitians say, but to choose them intelligently. And is that healthy fats help us lose weight and reduce the waist and the accumulation in other parts unattractive.

These fats are going to be used by the organism for other functions at the same time they force it to increase the energy expenditure. We must incorporate, therefore, in each meal, a portion of good fats :

  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Avocado.
  • Vegetable oils of first cold pressure (olive, coconut, sesame, wheat germ, evening primrose, etc).
  • Blue Fish.
  • Yolk.
  • Dairy products such as yogurt or goat or sheep cheese, or ghee .


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