High blood pressure also known as hypertension is a disease that puts our health at risk. Blood pressure is essential for the normal circulation of blood, providing the oxygen and nutrients that the body needs . It is the force exerted by the blood in the arteries when it travels through our body to irrigate the organs.
High blood pressure starts when the arterioles are narrowed, forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood. The consequences of hypertension can range from heart failure, strokes to heart attacks . When your condition is unknown, the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke increases 60%.
High blood pressure, “silent death”
Hypertension is asymptomatic, so it usually goes unnoticed in most cases. Perceiving only when there are already serious problems in our health. 31% of the world population suffers from hypertension . About 16 million people do not even know they have it.
There is a genetic predisposition to suffer from this disease. Recent research has shown that the modifications suffered by some genes affect the regulatory action of salt and other mutations. But, you do not always suffer from high blood pressure for that reason. However, it is important to avoid sedentary lifestyle and take care of our eating habits.
5 reasons why you can raise your blood pressure
Each case of hypertension has its particularities. However, there are risk factors that can affect a voltage surge. Most of these factors are associated with our daily habits.