4 factors to consider for a workout on the beach

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Physical training is an activity of great contributions for the organism; its practice contributes to the physical, social and psychological state of the individual. There are many ways to carry it out, and workout on the beach is one of these.In general, training is carried out on surfaces such as dirt or cement, either in closed places such as gyms or open spaces such as courts or parks. However, those people in coastal cities often take advantage of the beach space.

Physical training and the beach

Many people are immersed in the world of exercise and physical training. This leads to practice without ceasing and no matter where they are. And it is not only the individuals living in the coastal cities use the beach, but also the athletes.The beach is an excellent area to carry out training routines, especially those focused on strength and endurance. However, there are factors that can influence physical performance, either in benefit or in perjury, such as:

  • The surface. In this case the sand becomes a major obstacle, because when training on the beach we tend to feel heavier and, therefore, it is more complex to perform any physical effort.
  • Clean air. A real advantage of doing the training on the beach is the accompaniment of a purer and cleaner air. In addition, the sound of waves breaking on the coast can greatly relax the organism.
  • Sun. It can play a positive or negative role. Therefore, it is a factor to be taken into account, yes or yes. To take advantage of it, it is necessary to apply enough sun protection on the skin. Also, it is essential to choose morning hours or when the sun is setting on the horizon.

Factors to consider in a beach workout

Factors to consider in a beach workoutAlthough the three factors mentioned above must be taken into account, there are other types of aspects directly involved in a training, which should be anticipated to achieve good results.The beach can present itself as a hostile environment, especially if you are not used to it. For this reason, it is an environment that must be handled calmly. Next, we will show you the factors that you must take into account if you are going to do a workout on the beach.

1. Evaluate the terrain

Undoubtedly, the surface is one of the most striking factors of a workout on the beach, especially when it comes to a person little or nothing used.The transition from a land such as asphalt or land to the sand of the sea can be abrupt, so an evaluation must be made and go step by step.On the other hand, it is necessary to pay close attention to the shock or instability in the lower joints such as the ankles or knees.

2. Start in wet sand

On a surface like the beach, the most recommendable when it comes to training is to start at the seashore, right where the wet sand is. This advice applies to those who will do it for the first time.The wet sand resembles the earth, at least that of the beach. Therefore, the change will not be so abrupt, if you are used to the land. To maximize the results of the training, it is very useful to intersperse the surfaces of the sand, that is, to interchange between the wet and dry surfaces.

3. Humidity

When you train on the beach, sea level plays a key role. Beyond the heat, humidity has a great impact on the physiology of the organism. This factor tends to increase in coastal cities located above sea level.In these cases, the body presents difficulties in regulating body temperature through sweating. Taking this into account, a prior acclimatization is

 recommended to avoid fainting due to heat, dizziness, dehydration and injuries.

4. Appropriate clothing

Beyond the clothes, which should be fresh and loose, for training on the beach it is best to opt for a dress shoe very light. Being barefoot facilitates training, as long as the feet adapt to the surface in a gradual manner.


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